Parental Involvement in Education: Definition, Importance and Benefits

Parental involvement is a postmodern style of parenting where the parent actively participates in their child's learning processes. Given the importance of communication between stakeholders in a child’s development, this approach enables collaboration and engagement between the learners, parents, and teachers. The parent attends school meetings and conferences to gain a deeper understanding of their child’s educational needs. They also collaborate with the school administration, building consensus in decision making and resolving critical challenges affecting the learner. Thus, parental involvement in education is a key determinant of a student’s development. It creates an integrated structure and collaborative upbringing, necessitating a holistic strategy for educational growth.

What Is Parental Involvement in Education?

Parental involvement in education refers to the system of integrated support for students resulting from a working partnership between teachers and parents. It aims at building mutual responsibility for the child’s educational development by eliminating the negative effects of avoidable conflict between key stakeholders in child education. This model promotes collaboration between teachers and parents, allowing the latter to actively participate in the learning processes at school and home settings. It's based on the assumption that most of the challenges schools face in the contemporary education environment stem from a lack of effective communication mechanisms with caregivers.Without sufficient parental involvement, teachers interfere with the child’s home life while parents seek to control the school-related activities leading to conflict.

This model recognizes the teachers as the experts in educational settings and parents as critical resources to the learning process. Some of the major benefits of parental involvement stem from the separation of roles between teachers and parents while others arise from the integrative structure. This approach is particularly beneficial to children with special needs, allowing stakeholders to work together for the learners benefit. Besides, parents can become an integral part of the education process, helping learners with specific schooling activities such as writing and reading at home. While the primary responsibility of teaching children to read and write falls with the teachers, the parents play a critical role in creating a conducive environment for practicing after school. 

Understanding the Importance of Parental Involvement in Education

Parental involvement in early childhood education is critical to a child’s cognitive, emotional, and physical development. Parents are the primary models to their children, forming the basis for behavior and social interactions. Thus, their active involvement in the children’s education has a direct impact on school performance, relational growth, and self-esteem. 

Parents as Role Models

Children tend to mimic or emulate their parent’s behaviors, especially on issues relating to real life problems. For instance, your child is likely to adopt quotes used at home during play at school or when communicating in class. Parental involvement in education statistics shows that actively participating in your child’s education processes has many  positive effects on their behavioral skills given your role as a role model. 

Parents as Educational Resource Providers

Research also shows that parents who are actively involved in their children’s education can anticipate the learners educational needs and address them early. While the parent is the primary provider, this role is only passive in the education sector as most of the resources are based on the educator’s instructions. However, when you are actively involved in their children’s learning processes, you can identify gaps in resource allocation. Active involvement also improves planning strategies for your child’s educational needs, helping you address problems before they develop into crises. 

Parents as Educators

Parents are their children’s primary educators. You are your child’s first teacher, responsible for their values such as etiquette and behavior. Active parental involvement helps you adopt this role at a bigger scale, helping your child with their educational needs. For instance, if you are a good writer, you can transfer your writing skills to your child through training. Instead of your child relying solely on professional help from an essay writer service to write better papers, you can teach them basic writing skills, including sentence structures and diction. 

Parents as Emotional Support Providers

A parent is also responsible for their child’s social and emotional support. Parental involvement in special education helps parents identify their children’s emotional needs and work with other stakeholders to fulfill them. Since the child perceives you as a partner in the learning environment, they are more likely to share their social and emotional challenges. They can also make special requests and rely on you for comfort.

Parents as a Source of Discipline and Control

Parents have acted as their children’s primary disciplinarian throughout history. They teach their children correct behavior, control, right, and wrong. Hence, parental involvement in education taps into these resources, adding an extra security layer to the child’s internal control system. Besides, involved parents share meaningful feedback with the educators, helping build the child support system and guidance strategy. 

Notable Benefits of Parental Involvement in Education

Creating an All-round Learning Environment

One of the most significant effects of parental involvement in education is the ability to transform the home into a learning environment. When the parent is actively involved in their child’s education, learning doesn't stop at school. The learning process becomes a continuum, increasing the learner’s opportunity to gain new knowledge.

Increased Motivation and Engagement

Parental involvement in education statistics show that participating in your child’s education increases their self-esteem, value, and sense of self-worth. As a result, your child is more motivated to perform and participate in other activities. Besides, your interest in their education communicates a sense of responsibility, care, and love. The emotional connection derived from active participation builds confidence and increases the learners desire to study. 

Improved Academic Performance

While parental involvement does not imply helping the child write a better essay or compile research papers, it helps improve students’ learning outcomes. Notably, this approach highlights the importance of schooling to the child. The parent also becomes a critical source of physical and emotional support, encouraging their child to perform better. Besides, active involvement gives the parent access to the child’s educational environment. As a result, you can identify the areas of weakness and provide feedback to the teachers. 

Improved Parent-Teacher Relationship

Your involvement in your child’s education creates a rapport with their teachers. The direct link between the educator and the parent eliminates conflict and boosts collaboration. As a result, the stakeholders can address specific problems from different angles. Parents and teachers share their perspectives about the child’s development, addressing challenges together. This engagement also builds the stakeholders’ understanding of the child based on a wider range of factors from home and school settings. Parents and teachers can also monitor the child’s behavior, performance, and development, share feedback, and cooperate toward the child’s academic journey.

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