The Truth Behind Why Teens Drop Out of School

Truancy or skipping school is quite common these days, but we still know very little about it. According to a survey conducted on this serious issue, kids who skip school once in every 10 days have higher chances of quitting studies altogether. The sad part is that most of the parents are unable to help their kids in this situation as they do not know the underlying causes behind this behavior. In order to make such parents become aware of the real reasons behind this deviant behavior, we’ve highlighted some of the most common factors that result in truancy.

Bullying in School

Bullying is something that has existed in schools for decades. Despite having been identified as a huge problem, not much has been done to tackle is conclusively. With time, it has become even more dangerous, now even capable of taking the form of physical, sexual, or mental abuse. According to research studies, school students are more likely to experience bullying than college and university students. Another study found out that every 1 out of 3 school going-kids have experienced bullying at least once in their school life. Victims of bullying have a greater risk of skipping schools as they lack the courage and confidence to face their friends and the bully. If you are unable to help your kid in time, then chances are they might quit school and never to go back. This is why you must create awareness about bullying among kids and teach them the proper response to such a situation from a very young age.

Stress Due to Expectations and Work Load

It is normal for parents and teachers to expect their kids to get good grades, but sometimes these expectations create a fear of failure among kids, which may lead to chronic stress. Not only this, schoolwork, exams, quizzes, presentations, and assignments also create an extra burden on teens, which they struggle to cope with. All this ends up in frequent truancy.

Health Issues

Health issues may also be an important factor behind frequent skipping of school. This is why it is strongly recommended that you take your kid for a full medical check-up after every few months. Also, look for warnings signs like laziness, tiredness, sudden weight loss, loss of interest in everything, etc., as these signs can indicate that your kid requires immediate help.

Lack of Interest in Subjects

Lack of interest in the subjects chosen always turn kids away from high school. They feel bored learning about something that they are not interested in. This is why you must let your kids select subjects for themselves so that they can opt for those subjects that they like studying. Sometimes the teaching style and behavior of teacher also cause kids to skip certain classes on regular basis. In such a case, you must approach the school management and teacher and talk to them about the problem that your kid is facing.

As parents, you must be supportive and encouraging so that their kids do not hesitate to share their problems with them. This can really help you in tackling the truancy problem and encouraging your kids to complete their education.

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