Protect Your Kids Today - Choose the Best Porn Blocker App

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That time is gone when parents used to sit on their porches comfortably seeing their kids playing outside. That was a great time indeed, but now smartphones have taken place of such outdoor activities. Parents are no more relaxed now. If anything, they are more worried now about the activities of their kids. Since they are not playing outside, they must be doing something over their phones and what could that be?

This thought has crossed the minds of many parents and with this thought comes the reality of pornography. No matter how much we avoid it, it is there ready for your kids to explore it. This is something new and interesting for the kids so why won’t they explore it? They do it so that they can enjoy it. But little do they know that it is destroying their future. This is where the parents start looking for the best porn blocker app. 

Dr. Alan Ravitz has explained the worst effects of pornography in his video about ‘Pornography teaching kids a misleading lesson’. He told us how it induces an unrealistic depiction of sex, physical bodies, and relationships all over. It completely changes a person’s point of view regarding relationships and stuff. And with teens, this has disastrous effects. 

If you think that your child is being involved in any such activities, no need to panic. Although it is an alarming situation for most of the parents out there especially considering the scary effects of pornography on teens. But, this is the moment of patience and it should be dealt with wisely. 

Are Your Kids Watching Porn?

Several signs indicate that your kid is indulged in porn, some of them are very visible. So, look for them to know where the situation stands. 

·Developed Interest in Sexual Topics:

This is a big warning sign. If you see them getting all interested in sexual topics and stuff, don’t step back. Understand that they have started exploring on their own. And, if they have asked you about this, answer each of their questions normally in an age-appropriate manner. 

·Changing the Screen When You Walk In

If you catch them getting a bit panicked and confused while you walk in the room, there is something wrong. If they are changing the screen at the same time, it shows that they don’t want you to see what they were watching. Understand that it is something personal and secretive. 

·Putting Passwords Everywhere

This means they don’t want you involved in their activities. If they don’t want you to have access to their phones and laptops, it means there is something wrong going on. It is time to check out their activities.

·Sleep with Their Phones 

If your kid can’t sleep without the phone, check what is making him so addictive. Most of the time, kids get so much addicted to porn that they can hardly stay away from it. But, if it is ignored by the parents, the results are disastrous. 

·Gets Irritated If They Have No Internet Access

If, for some reason, the WIFI has turned off or you have decided to take away their phones for a day, they will panic and overreact. Kids have even been seen threatening their parents for cutting off their internet access. If such behavior persists, it means there is something wrong and they need help. 

Read more here:

What Should Parents Do?

If your kids are watching porn, this is an alarming situation for you. There are things that you must do to keep them safe from this filth. You need to practice these things even when they are not watching porn. Think about it, porn is available everywhere on the web. They will get to it one day or another. So, isn’t it better if they hear this from you than other sources? Why not have a decent conversation with them about this? 

Here are some effective tips to deal with this situation:

·Make Some Ground Rules

Rules are what keep them disciplined and all human. It is your first and foremost duty to set up some rules about the house. What they are allowed to and what not should be mentioned in those rules. Also, you can limit their internet access and the use of smartphones by mentioning them in the rules. Tell them that the family times matters the most. 

·Use a Parental Control App

parental control app can help you deal with this situation very effectively. You won’t need to turn on and off the WIFI again and again. With the best porn blocker app, you can just block the porn from all the devices your kids use. It is very easy and simple. 

SecureTeen is among the best parental control apps that help you make sure your kids aren’t exposed to pornography. You can block all the ads and websites leading to pornography by using this app. Not only this, but it also helps you monitor whatever they are doing on their phones. Also, you can manage their screen times remotely. It will make your life way easier and simpler. 


This is very obvious and important. If they have explored something on their own and it seems exciting, they won’t listen to you especially when you are being authoritative only. So, don’t be all strict and bossy. Talk to them like they are sensible human beings and they understand what you are saying. If you want to help them, you got to make them confide in you. You have to make them trust you so that they can share everything with you. 

Although it has become a reality for most of us, still it is an alarming situation. But, what we can do is that we can play our parts to make sure our homes are protected and safe. Pornography is everywhere on the internet, so it is better to take care of these things from the very start. Use the tips mentioned above and protect your kids today. Happy parenting!