Knowing What to Tell Your Kids


When you took your initial steps in parenthood, baby poop was probably the only thing you were worried about. But as your child treads into adolescence, you need to start communicating effectively with them. But communication isn’t the yardstick that makes you a good parent. Knowing what are the things to tell your kids and what not to does the trick.


Faith is one of the most essential things to tell your children. Parents owe it to their kids. Whether you are a believer or not, you need to introduce you child to God. Talk to them about different religions of the world. This also gives you the opportunity to talk about tolerance. No matter what faith they belong to, they must tolerate the opinions and beliefs of others.


Most people are not comfortable talking about sex with their spouse, let alone talking to their kids. But it is imperative to talk about it before puberty hits. And don’t just leave it there. Follow up talks are essential. Help them have a healthy understanding of what sex is. If you do so, chances are they will respond to it well, respect it and practice it safely when the time is right.


It can be a pet, a beloved family member or a friend – most parents prefer not talking to their children about death for the fear of being morbid. Likelihood is that your child’s first brush with death will trigger a number of questions. Even if the questions don’t come, your child is wondering about what death really is. Help them understand it. Revisit the sad incident to help them realize where people who have died go.


Teach your teen how to be money savvy. They will ask questions about where the family stands in the society. Help them understand where the money comes from and how does everything work for the family.

Marital Problems

A divorce can be devastating for the kids. Talking to them about your marital problems will probably confuse them and have them constantly worry about the inevitable divorce. The real thing is bad enough. Why worry them before it happens?

Negative Feelings about Family Members

Keep the differences you have with your family members to yourself. Don’t discuss them with your kids unless they are at risk.

It is imperative that you communicate effectively with your kid so that they become confident about the things they are or will be tackling in life. But the most important thing is to know how and what to tell them.

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