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Financial responsibility not only signifies a person’s ability to earn a living it is also about managing your money in a way that keeps you out of debt, while still building a decent amount of savings. In short it means living within your means and that is exactly what most people need to teach their teenagers but somehow fail to.
This turns out to be highly damaging for teens later on in their lives. When they don’t learn to live within their means as teens, they end up making huge financial mistakes as adults. Advice on money should come fast. Remember that all debts start off small and overtime grows to a size where it becomes increasingly difficult to manage, till finally there is no way out but to declare bankruptcy.
The first step towards learning to live within a budget is to know how to make a budget. Most teenagers have after school jobs and what they need to learn at this point is how to manage their paychecks.
Money management for teens is a lesson worth teaching as soon as possible, since once a teen gets into the habit of falling back of parents for financial assistance, the habit will be hard to break. So teach them the crucial lesson of living with in a budget and save them for the agony of getting sucked into the whirlpool of debt and dependency.