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A survey reveals that almost 80% of teens try alcohol before they even leave high school. Teenage drinking is a very widespread phenomenon. Peer pressure plays a role but studies suggest there are major effects of alcoholic parents on children. Parents have a strong influence on teenagers and their booze consumption habits. Moreover parents’ attitude towards alcohol also has an effect on teens. A research conducted for The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) for Columbia University says that teens that have seen one or both their parents drunk are more likely to drink than teens that haven’t.
Teens are directly influenced by the drinking habits of their parents. Peer pressure does play a role but it is the parental influence that has the greatest effects on teens. MedinePlus suggest a cause of teenage alcohol dependency is frequent drinking or alcohol misuse at home by parents. Furthermore studies show that children of alcoholic parents or those who have seen their parents drink are more likely to be alcoholics than teens who have not been seen drunk.
The way parents talk to their kids about alcohol and what teens think their parents’ perception is about drinking has an influence on the teenage drinking habits. If parents do not talk to their teen children about alcohol and drinking, teens end up thinking that their parents are indifferent towards alcohol. The study for the University of Columbia adds that the teens who think that their parents do not have any objection on them drinking are two and a half times more likely to drink habitually than teens who think their fathers disapprove of it.
Problems at home like a divorce, financial difficulties or family disputes also influence a teen’s decision to turn towards drinking. Other factors like low self-esteem and feeling of being unloved or distant from parents also incline teens to consume alcohol. They see alcohol as a form of comfort and an escape if there is conflict or abuse at home.
We, as parents, owe our kids to raise them up as responsible citizens. Studies suggest that parents should not drink in front of their teens under stressful situations. If parents drink when they are under stress teens will automatically perceive that it is acceptable for them to drink during anxiety. If parents frequently drink at parties teens will view alcohol as a way to have fun.