Why You Should Focus On the Family Apps to Protect Your Teens?

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It is too scary to even think how much dangers our teens are exposed to these days. They tend to pull away from their parents, become closer to their peers and in turn get into trouble by doing weird things. On the other hand, parents want to use approaches to control and power to keep their kids on the check. Mostly the ineffective approaches are fueled by the feelings of anxiety and powerlessness and a counter-attack for the teens’ approach for independence.

As Shelley Prevost shared her experience with a 10 – year old child with WashingtonPost, she told that she and her husband signed their kid up for Minecraft account. Soon, they got themselves into trouble. Their kid started hating school and was not sleeping well.

The reason was that he used to wake up after his parents went to sleep, looking for an iPad or computer to play Minecraft. She said that she worked so hard to maintain the balance but ended up unplugging the router every night.

Just like this, children all around the world are exploring new things every day and getting addicted to them. And, there are so many parents like Shelley who are worried about the well-being of their kids due to the excessive usage of the internet.

Most of the parents adopt strategies like downloading apps or software to monitor their kids, retain their passwords and the right to search anything of their choice on the internet. Many put geo-trackers on their kids’ devices to know where they are all the time. These things aren’t wrong but there should be a dire need for proper communication among two parties for better results.

Let’s think of it like this: Your daughter might be crying in the other room for something she faced on Facebook or any social media platform. You might know what bothers her because you are monitoring her social media. But can you know the intensity of the emotional imbalance she is feeling right now? Can you do something about this? Well, the family apps do help you know things you don’t know, but the communication makes it all better.

Ineffective Approaches Used by Parents:

This article states some of the ineffective approaches that parents adapt:

  • Lecturing too much and projecting your fear into the kids. It hogs all the space in the communication and the kids try to tune out of it. It can also induce fear into them thus leaving a long-lasting effect.
  • Being authoritative with them. If you are imposing your power on them, they will become rebellious and act out. They might become secretive and won’t talk to you even about the important things. It deprives the kids of an important skills-building approach.
  • Cautioning teens about the possible dangers and getting promises from them. It usually doesn’t work, and they might feel insulting as they are already aware of the dangers.

If you are obsessed with your teens’ protection, you might want to take a break. They think they know too much right now, and you lecturing them won’t do any good.

What Should Parents Do to Keep their Teens Protected?

This article published on HuffPost enlisted some of the major steps that parents can take to positively protect their teens. Here they are:

1. Communicate with Them

Talk to your children in a friendly manner about the risks involved in using the internet excessively. The peer pressure they face might make them indulged in the activities they shouldn’t do. They must be taught well about how their posts can shape their image in front of the people they care about. Also, educate them about the content they will be exposed to on the internet.

2. Family Apps

Family Apps like SecureTeen can help in knowing what apps your kids have downloaded on their phones. You can know if they are in trouble with their social media accounts. Also, you can manage their screentime. But before all this, you and your kids need to be on the same page. You must tell them the reason behind you monitoring them. They must not feel suffocated once they find out about the restrictions you have imposed on them.

3. Know About Social Media

Update yourself with the social media sites they use. Know its pros and cons, and what can make its use better. You can make your account on those sites to understand better. Ask your kids to add them to their accounts so that you can interact with them more.

4. Talk About Sex, Drugs, And Alcohol

This article insists that parents should talk about substance abuse and sex with their kids. This might start as an awkward conversation but soon they are going to be exposed to this stuff anyway. It is better if you talk to them before that happens. Teach them what your religion and values talk about such sensitive issues. Teach them basic morality.

5. Do Things Together

You can find out the interests that are common among you. Schedule some time to do those things. These activities help better in developing the family bond. Try to involve in the things they like so that you can make a better relationship with them.

6. Be Ready for Any Situation

You know they are teens not perfect human beings, right? You must keep that in mind that they will make mistakes or even if they don’t, there are troubles out there. Be prepared to not get panicked, and handle the situation in a good mood and relaxed environment. Your teens are not older than you so be the elder one and don’t scare them with your behavior.

Protecting your teen is all about having a better relationship with them. You can use the monitoring apps for them but it won’t work unless you have a better relationship on the side. They need to know that you are with them no matter what happens. This is not only about protecting them, but you must also be prepared that troubles will come. It matters how you handle them. You can be the role model for your teens. Shape your behavior just like the way you want them to behave.
