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Bullying is an epidemic with absolutely no regard for boundaries, creeping across the entire community. Despite its identification, the threat has continued to grow more prevalent over the years, taking new forms such as cyberbullying and spreading across different channels such as social media platforms. Parents and educators have been looking for answers to how to prevent bullying of different kinds, but the solution is proving to be quite evasive than anticipated. Child services, law enforcement authorities and psychologists can play a substantial role in preventing and controlling the different forms of bullies, thus keeping the mental development of kids on a healthy path.
Child services have been playing an active role in addressing and resolving issues pertaining to kids for years. Their role in combating the menace of bullying is of immense value, as they may have the resources to tackle it effectively. They can launch programs and give presentation to educate parents and educators about bullying and to make them realize how they may themselves be contributing to the aggressive behavior in kids. Child services should also interact with students to teach them how to effectively deal with bullying, while also educating them on the effects of verbal, physical and emotional abuse on victims. The focus should be on improving relation among peers.
With anti-bullying legislation passed in 49 states of America, the stance of the law makers on the matter is crystal clear. The law enforcement authorities need to ensure that schools are taking necessary measures to ensure a safe and secure environment for kids. They further need to talk to the parents and educators and make them aware of the legal action that the offender may face, thus encouraging them to play a more active role if they wish to keep teens away from trouble. Bullying based on gender, race, creed, or sexual orientation needs to be taken more seriously, as it may indicate the offender’s prejudice and hatred for the entire group that the victim fits into.
Psychologists can help parents, kids and educators tackle with the issue of bullying effectively by helping them understand the psyche behind it. These factors can then be used to design effective preventive and counter measures. Psychologists also need to make the link between bullying and other delinquent behavior more prominent, thus giving parents and educators the extra bit of encouragement to do whatever they can to keep or steer their teens away from such behavior. The damage caused by bullying, including cyberbullying, should also be explained to kids, so that they not only abstain from it, but also take a stand against it.
Experiencing physical, verbal, or emotional abuse at home or in school can have dire and far-reaching effects on teens and their mental development. It is only through a collaborative effort of different stakeholders that the issue can be dealt with effectively.